The Technology


The product works on the physical properties of water. Scaling is the product of bonding between calcium and magnesium, which are present in water. SCALEPRO, breaks the bonding between these two molecules and thus, no scale formation happens. This is known as anti-scaling.


Additionally, these molecules are charged and are in ionized form. When these molecules hit the scaled part, they eventually break the bonding of already existing scales, thus resulting in de-scaling.

Energy Friendly & Investment Friendly Technology

Technology for all

There are different product specifications for different conditions of water ranging from 50 PPM to over 15000 PPM water. The results become visible in 2-3 weeks of installation...

A Superior Technology

  • Other Water Softeners


  • Only an Anti-Scaler
    Performs both Anti-Scaling & De-Scaling
  • Expensive
    Value for Money
  • Leaves the skin dry
    Makes skin softer
  • Requires maintenance
    Never requires maintenance
  • Requires laerger floor space
    Intrusive to water
  • Requires salt or chemicals
    Requires no salt or chemicals
  • Makes water slippery
    Makes water soft
  • Soap suds difficult to remove
    Soap suds wash away easily
  • Harmful for people on salt restricted diets
    Safe for people on salt restricted diets
  • Increases water and sewer bills greatly
    Does not require any additional water usage
  • 5-10 year lifespan
    20-25 years lifespan
  • Discharges chlorides into waste stream
    Environmentally “Green” product

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