
Hard water scaling is normally found in the pipes & other water systems of homes and results in harmful bacterial growth. SCALEPRO provides a permanent solution to both scaling and such bacterial growth.

The residential models of SCALEPRO control lime scale deposition and corrosion in the plumbing system throughout the home. The SCALEPRO Water Conditioner reduces the surface tension of water, making it more penetrable so that soap lathers better resulting in cleaner laundry, dishware, bathtubs, etc. The reduced surface tension also creates a better rinsing effect that reduces or completely eliminates spotting when drying.

Advantages of SCALEPRO

Warranty & Guarantee

Performance Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the performance of product after 3 months of continous use from the date of Installation, the purchase price less 15% will be refunded.

Annual Maintenance Cost/Insurance

10% AMC applicable from the date of installation. If not renewed prior then guarantee & warranty will be void (Discretion of customer to go for an AMC).